
Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet.


Would rain cease to fall if our love ended?

Oceans and waterways parched into land?

Clear skies disclosed, cloudy days transcended,

Drought and aridity forced by fate’s hand?

Should sun bursts of loving, scattered and few,

Cast shadows on earth and thirst for all man,

Could we forgive any need to eschew,

Or safeguard future as best as we can?

Drenched in outpouring of heavenly storm

We gaze into blue and plead for release,

Monsoon’s donation absorbed without harm,

Entreaties to god to hear earnest pleas;

Tempests’ cascades to shower forever,

Flooding bank balance of deepest river.

20 thoughts on “Drenched”

  1. A great reminder, that without love, we would all be barren deserts. And while it may come in excess, it’s better than the reverse. Do you have flooding in your area? I saw flooding of the Severn that looked extreme, but I haven’t seen any news north of Edinburgh.


      1. Ah, thank you, Brenda. I better go and make myself useful now. I’ve been on this laptop since before seven this morning. Nearly a full eight hour shift! But I did lots of housework yesterday. Justifying like crazy here! Writing’s even more addictive than blogging. I didn’t even see the time pass till just now. All’s quiet and calm. Just shows they can manage without me when they have to. Lol. 🙂 x


      2. I should be useful. Doubt I am. Just had a long conversation about self-publishing with hubby. Frustrating to contemplate how to do that…


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