For Real

If this is for real it confirms all my worst imaginings but hoped, surely,  could never be the case. Between posts that confirm and deny ‘information’ purveyed. Yup, I’m naive enough to believe the written word and then go, ‘Umm, what if that’s not quite……?’ This though seems to be the real mccoy. And it stinks. Quite a lot. In fact, I want it not to be true. I want to smell roses. Not shit. I’ll get a hold of this chap’s book. And check the facts as presented. But I couldn’t not link to this. It makes me sick to my stomach. I really don’t want to believe that such people exist. And yes, I do know that makes me belong in Neverland. But rather that than in a sewer.


16 thoughts on “For Real”

  1. Ack. This bears looking into further- but you’re right. If there’s anything like truth to it… Jebus. Shouldn’t be surprised, I suppose. But C’MON! Looks like I have some weekend reading to do…


    1. I find it scary. And I feel like an arse for believing that such things must not exist even when common sense tells me they do. I want to stop being such an idealist. And kick some butt. Most of all, I don’t want such people to exist and impact on the lives of so many. All for what? Lucre?! I really am so out of touch with human nature it seems. And so disinterested in what money achieves in the world. Needs must for finance yes. But this! Jesus help us right enough. I’ll be downloading this to Kindle. But I really don’t know what anyone can do in the face of that sort of love. If it’s true, and I do now doubt so much of what I read, they are complete bastards. We’ll catch up on it after some reading no doubt. Praying at this end that it’s some dystopian novel plan. I wish. 😉 x


  2. Pretty scary, but not that surprising. The very rich do everything they can to distance themselves from the masses so they don’t see themselves as part of it. They see themselves as better than and above them. Of course they then view the masses with contempt and political enemies as completely wrong. It’s very sad, but it’s just as understandable as the rest of the world hating them.


    1. ‘Let them eat cake’. They can have all the money they want as far as I’m concerned if that’s what rocks their boat. But not while laughing all the way to the bank at the expense of a world of people working like navvies trying to make ends meet. While people lose their homes and they sing songs about being the ‘bail out kings’. I could hardly contain myself reading this. I want to check the facts. If that’s even possible.
      But if there exists a breed of dog that thrives on the carcasses of their species they need routed. In some way. I have no idea how. But by god I’ll have a real good try at it. Praying for an army of angels as we speak. And fairies. And whatever other ethereal creatures we can conjure to re-establish possibility and hope. You are one of the many who know the story of hope and can see it unfolding. Bring all to bear, Brenda. So many voices in balanced unison. It is magical. Wonderfully so. Lots of little pieces joining together. Conjure the magic, Brenda. And break out the wands. We’ll need them. Your life experiences together with your amazing soul speak volumes. And replenish innocence and heart. Keep on being you. I know I’m a pain in the arse with politics but it is because it’s about people and I just can’t stop from wanting to replace corruption with compassion. I blame my mum!
      Must have a word with her. Pretty sure she’ll be bending angelic ears. 😉 x


      1. To me, it was much worse that they gambled with the money of all of us, lost it and did not suffer much at all except to have some society disapproval. No one tood their houses away. Laughter to me is necessary for all humans, even the richest, so that doesn’t bother me. The existence of the society doesn’t surprise me, it sounds based on the Harvard Hasty Pudding.


  3. You and me, both, A-M. I try so hard to maintain my faith in people- and then see stuff like this… Trying not to leap to any conclusions without some background research, but I’m seeing too many examples of entitlement and narcissistic delusion, it’s hard to keep the faith.
    We’ll keep on searching for that utopia, regardless. Won’t we? xo


    1. I’ve just read your post. And shit! I need to email you on this. Give me a couple of days maybe. I’ll be in touch if you don’t mind. Your post is exciting and incisive to me. Cuts through the crap. And there is a way forward, I feel. x


      1. Absolutely! Check out my response and we’ll chat further when you’ve had some time to organize the brilliance.
        ‘Forward’ is the way we need to be going. xo


      2. Forward. Education. Love. No doubt of it. Be in touch. Might need a brain transplant before then. 😉 My mind is spinning like a peerie. It will settle. It always does. And then I’ll be lucid once more. I hope. 😉 x


  4. The decisions created by ‘them’ has little impact and is acceptable up in those higher places, and they accept it as ‘nothing’, a mere annoyance. While being down here the impact has much more damage and is felt in a more ‘in your face’ perspective at some cost to us. They only whine when something bites them, like a global collapse that actually takes some of them out, while the others that created it grin as they rake in further dollars and buy out the losers at a pittance. To them, it is a game, nothing more. But the reality to them, IS that game, to which they kill for. If not directly (supplying arms for wars all over the place, and probably started by them through their pet (bought out) politicians), as everything within that country then needs bailing out and can be bought up for next to nothing. The only thing that can dislodge them is the loss of that power…money. It is very obvious when the pressure was applied to convert everyone to the Euro. Now look as each country is having the pressure applied. Greece is only the first obvious casualty. The big boys are playing again. Sorry momus, another button, but the info from your post does not surprise me in the least 🙂


    1. The only part that really surprises me I suppose is the club aspect of it all. The ‘let’s have our jollies, knees up mother brown’ kind of club. Nero and Rome springing to mind. It’s beyond my naive imagination to think that people celebrate such things. It makes me think of the Masonic lodge and how I first laughed at the ridiculous antics of grown men and scoffed at the notion that anyone would take them seriously. Silly handshakes and collective signs meant to further some while others wondered why they were left behind. I stopped laughing when I began to appreciate the reality of it. But this does still surprise me Mark. Not that there exists those whose sole preoccupation is the amassing of wealth and/or power but that they party about it. It’s an affront to everything decent. And really I don’t want to believe it. I would like to believe that it was all a big Hallowe’en party meant to be taken tongue in cheek. But deep down I know it’s true. And I’m angry at myself for being too …i don’t know what…ignorant? trusting? naive? bloody stupid? not more politically active? not reading more? you name it.
      They make me sick to my stomach as I’ve already said in a previous comment. But it bears repeating. Bile rises at this and chokes me. These people, as you so rightly say, determine market values and plan methods of financial warfare. And I did know this. I knew it years ago when I first read a book called, if I remember correctly, ‘Captains And The Kings’ by Taylor Caldwell. I was stunned when i first read it in all my fiscal and political ignorance. And there was even a bibliography at the back of the book pointing to proofs. Did I read them? No. I’m pissed at myself really when I read the post above. The information was always there and I didn’t choose to explore it.
      Anyhow, I’ll read this one and see what’s what. And maybe a little knowledge may be a dangerous thing. If directed in the right quarters.x


  5. Well what I read was someone trying to write a book that he is hopefully going to make him a shit load of money and what the best way to do it is to write about conspiracy theory, even more conspiracies about the rich and famous especially if you want to blame some one por a group of people for the crash that made millions unemployed and made some people millions.
    No one I know likes the fat cats especially if they have lst money or their homes, its human nature to dislike someone who seems to have everything for doing very little.

    As for this ‘dinner and dance’ if you have ever been to a rugby sports dinner jokes fly which are racist, homophobic, things are said by guest speakers who should know better and normally apologise the next day.

    In society there will always will be the large divide between those who have and those gave nots and tjose who have will always wave the power stick, have societies and some secret ones which will allow the rich to become richer and the nod and wink to get the best contracts, buy the gest bonds and insider trading.

    We already have our ‘secret’ societies the Masons for one, why all the regalia, why the customs, why no women, why the actions just to vecome a member most of all why all the secrets? Even the Jews have their secret societies accused of trying to take over the world. Jewish freemasonic “brotherhood” of B’nai B’rith in the cover-up of the truth of 9-11. This is a very old and powerful Jewish secret society, founded by 12 German Jews in New York City in 1843, which has long had immense influence in the spheres of the U.S. judicial system, government, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and media. The B’nai B’rith is a secret organization that works to promote a foreign and un-American agenda — Zionism. Many of its members are high-level judges.

    We will always have these ‘mens groups’ and people on the outside will call them secret societies because they want to know and human nature makes us want knowledge and if we cannot get it so we make it up and a conspiracy theory is born, just look at Wikipedia. I would let him write his book, let him become rich and let him get invited into these secret societies and watch him change.

    I am not affiliated with any secret societies, I have not been influenced by threats or offerd of money and power, just in case, I dont want to become a conspiracy theory lol 🙂


  6. lol yes still bastards….. I have 3 friends who are in the masons and I have never been invited to join…..I wonder why….. They maybe scared I will write a book ‘Goat shaggers club and me’ lol 🙂


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