Humbled By The Wind

A really lovely day today was somewhat spoiled when I hit the deck like the proverbial ton of bricks.

One of those gorgeous, gloriously sunny, windy days that twirls your skirt and lashes hair around. One of those days where you get a bit high with the nursery kids and play tig and chases till you’re breathless with laughter. Quite good when the three and four year olds can’t catch you! One of those days when running about like an eejit seems like the best fun you can have.

But that’s not when I fell.

I reserved that for the afternoon session when the same blustery day enticed me outside with an older crew to do orienteering. Why waste the sunshine, eh?

Last minute instructions to them as they stood on the stairwell and I stood halfway in and halfway out of the building was when it happened.

I had secured the heavy exterior door in its prop to allow us back in the building after they exhausted themselves chasing clues and answering questions. That’s when it happened.

A fantastic gust of wind caught the door, pulled it from its fastening and….everything moved into slow motion… but in a quick second flash……decked! I couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it. Landed with no grace whatsoever.

The kids, god bless ’em, rushed to my aid and shouted, ‘Are you OK, Mrs Hurley?’ I sort of lay there in a heap of dress and handbag going, ‘No. Not really, no.’

One of them had dashed for help and, before I could say, ‘What a red neck!’, there were two members of staff coming to my aid.

By this time I was on my feet and checking out my injuries.

No damage done to my tights. Well, there’s a relief. But a bloody big bleeding graze beneath. A gash on my hand. And a rather strange pain in my shoulder that is really more behind my right breast. Are there muscles there? I can’t remember. Or maybe they can’t remember.

I think I was in shock from getting battered through the air because I seem to remember one of the kids asking if we were still going to be doing orienteering. Might have been my imagination. They wouldn’t be so heartless, would they?

Well, we did anyway. I limped around while they ran amok like banshees in the great North wind. ( I have no idea which direction it was coming from. But I like the sound of that.)

Now I know it’s said that pride goes before a fall. But what about afterwards? And why did the wind feel it necessary to have a go at me? These are the questions and musings that enter a befuddled brain knocked sideways by the power of nature.

I got sympathy from hubby when I came home. A hot bath and a hauf. My own kids informed me that they would have laughed if they had been the kids involved. I don’t know what some parents are raising. I really don’t.

And I don’t have any plasters for my knee. 😦



34 thoughts on “Humbled By The Wind”

    1. Thanks, Pam. I’m sure I’ll be as right as rain. I should have filled in an accident report though, according to hubby, sister, daughter….If it had been one of the kids, their weight might not have been enough from slamming them into the door frame. I’ll probably have to do that tomorrow. And I won’t be doing orienteering! 🙂 x


  1. Just be careful of the pain behind the breast. It could be a rib cartilage or even cracked rib. Mind you, a cracked rib is very painful. You may have popped a rib and it can be painful in an area completely away from where the bumps happened. If it persists, especially if it stays painful when you twist or raise your arms, go to the Dr’s.
    Besides Dr Mark’s diagnosis, I’m glad the Scottish winds can play tricks on the unwary or how else will the students of the future get their rocks off. Always at someone else’s expense of course!
    And just to make it feel worse, Hugh didn’t rock up on his charger, sweep you up and take you away to care and nourish that broken knee, rib, heart until you were all better? Bloody Australians, never there when you want them 🙂
    Hope you at least enjoyed the lovely bath after such a wild day. It can sometimes be needed to ‘shake the tree’ so to speak, and allow the body (and mind) to go through a healing. Depends what your going through in your life at the moment.
    Anyway, glad your in one piece (sort of) 🙂 , a little more writing (blogging) should fix the wounds to your wounded emotions at least, its not often these things happen, but at the least cause a little embarrassment when you least expect it.
    Sending you some good energy, and it only tickles if you tense yourself for it. Just relax and go with the flow.
    Take care my friend. Namaste


    1. ‘Hingin’ thegether’ as we say. All bits accounted for. But aching all down one side. No serious damage done though. So all’s good.
      I was mightily disappointed myself that Hugh didn’t make an appearance. Obviously, the kids’ gossip didn’t reach down under. I could have done with some sweet-talking soothing from yer man. 😉 I think I might have to dump him at this rate. He’s proving rather elusive when he’s needed.
      My eldest popped in last night and I was telling her and her fiance about my escapade. They were listening quite attentively while I acted out my performance (!) when one of my other crew said, ‘Not the door story again!’ Wee bastards!Just wait till they want pampered. I’ll put their gas at a peep!
      Hope all’s well with you. Still enjoying the sunshine? 😉 x


      1. Glad the body is ok, the emotional rejection by Hugh could take a little longer 🙂 We are well into our first month of Autumn and the days are still around the 26 to 28 degrees but the nights have finally cooled off to a lovely 18. Can finally sleep without feeling the ovens been left on. We’ve even had a little rain to finally make things nice and green again. The farmers are not happy though, too little, wrong time and all those things that a farmer needs. Just getting ready for a nice weekend, even though they are predicting rain. I’ll take anything at this point. Haveagoodweekend! Hopefully hubby will at least give you a little fussin’ while you heal 🙂


      2. I’ll make sure of it. 🙂 Glad you’re enjoying a change. I know from speaking to you and a few others from your parts it was getting hard going to cope with the heat. Maybe some of it will head our way soon. Fingers crossed. On my knees. Praying. 🙂 Have a great weekend, Mark. x


  2. Oh no. Poor you, Anne-Marie: how horrible and scary. I know you made it funny and so forth (just what I would have done), but it must have been very painful. Get better soon. xxx


    1. I am still kind of laughing about it today. And twinging at the same time. I couldn’t have done it if I’d tried. Lots of baths for the next few days should see me right. Thanks, Ali.x


    1. Thanks, Shirley. I’m good. No major damage. Just a few dents. I’ll get the panel beaters onto it and I’ll be good as new. Well…as good as I was before!:) x


  3. It was a smashing story (old English phrase?) but I can see both the humour and the pain in it. (if only you could see what spellcheck keeps doing here).
    I hope your injuries heal quickly – as soon as the accident report is done 😊 Its always amazing how simply these things can happen.
    Blessings. Susan ❤


    1. Still to do the report. Didn’t have a minute today although I had a word with the depute. It needs fixing more securely so none of the kids get battered by it.
      I know what you mean about spell check. I use my kindle sometimes for reading and commenting and it drives me batty with its selections. Friday tomorrow so a whole weekend of healing ahead. Thanks, Susan. 🙂 x


  4. Oh my word! I hope you are feeling better. I also hope you won’t be too sore tomorrow. your kids sound delightful.. like mine. Just the right mix of sarcasm and concern… Truly, feel better and be careful of the nasty wind!


    1. They do have a rather peculiar way of showing love at times. 😉 The weather’s going a bit mental here so lots of wind and lashings of rain. But fingers are crossed for sunny days soon. Got to keep hope alive! Thanks for your well wishes.x


  5. You poor lovey – but what a story I laughed at your expense (my bad) but you do tell such a good tale. I like the sound of the North wind too – kinda blustery and romantic…though your fall wouldn’t have been. Hope you don’t swell up or bruise too badly and that you are able to find a band-aid. I’m sorry but I’m still smiling 😉 x


    1. Definitely aching today. But the school kids got great mileage from it. Each class I had today wanted to see my skinned knee. The story had spread from sisters to brothers and round about. Some of the teachers tittered but that was after I’d given them a blow by blow account, as it were. 😉 Like to keep the staff spirit’s up you know. 🙂 x


  6. Sounds like you cracked a rib! And your own kids are ALWAYS hanging out to get a laugh at you when you take a fall, I think they see it as a sort of universal justice system, getting you back for the discipline you give them! Mine did anyway…!
    Get well soon!


    1. Thanks Ray. I think that would explain so much about kids. Now, I must hunt out my list of reasons for getting back at them. This could be self-perpetuating. 😉 x


  7. Dang! I hate falling, and having someone laugh when it happens is like getting a pill stuck in your throat, it just won’t go down! Ah, they are just kids without the sense god gave them. I hope you are feeling better now!


    1. A number of bruises to show for my graceless landing. 😉 But I’m fine. My own kids have a perverse sense of humour at times. No idea where they get it. Seriously, I don’t! x


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