I’ve grabbed hold of the reins!!

As you may all be aware the gorgeous Anne-Marie has taken a sabbatical of sorts, off to write her wee Scottish heart out and take a rest from blog-land.

When I received her email asking me if I would like to contribute a piece for her site, I jumped up and down with joy (well no I didn’t, as at my age jumping is banned). I eagerly  said yes, then wondered for the next day what on earth I would write about.

My blog started off as hints for mums and talking about my two adult girls. I then discovered the wonderful world of poetry. I followed other poets, I breathed in their words, some of which still can leave me confused by the way. I then started writing about my life in more detail. My youngest daughter at 27 has Borderline Personality Disorder, which only manifested last year. I also wrote and write about my elderly parents whom I refer to as Mumma & Pop Penguin. I gave them this name as bless their cotton socks they are 85 & 87 respectively and … well they shuffle like two little penguins.

I am extremely close to my parents and it has amazed me that my readers have taken them into their hearts as well.

This is what I love about the blogging community, when I started a few years ago, I had no idea how many would read me ( yes I was one who constantly checked their stats in the beginning). Now I don’t. I have made virtual friends from many countries and for that I am grateful.

In my ‘other life’ apart from being a mum, a daughter and partner to an amazing man who I refer to as Mr. S. I am a Funeral Civil Celebrant, which I have been doing for the past year and I love it. I am also studying to perform marriages. I am now 59 years old (hence the banned jumping)  and I live in Melbourne, Australia. So that is a little bit about me personally.

Is there anything to maintaining readers? My only answer is to display your manners. Read and comment whenever you can, show politeness to all that you read, be they once or if you follow.

I have the propensity to change from one subject to the other, this is clearly evident in what I have written thus far!

I am, as I said, very grateful to A-M for giving me the opportunity to blab on a bit on her site and I can only hope that she is writing her Scottish Bum off right now. We are all here to support one another, blogging can not be a one way street. So hopefully I can repay the favour very soon!

She writes
her thoughts scurrying
through her mind, no correction
of spelling or punctuation
this will stop the flow
she has ideas
a story, putting her
other work on hold

Whilst she gives others
opportunities to display
she writes and scratches
head, a worded masterpiece
will develop
one that will be read

So thank you Anne-Marie
I hope I haven’t dribbled
take time between
your writing
have some time for you
your readers will be waiting
so have a dram or two

Oh and Thank You to all of those who have read, I now hand back the reins. Jenny

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Writing is as natural to me as breathing. I shall never cease walking the path to find the writer within. I hope that you walk beside me on my journey of self discovery. I am the Author of The Empty Nest - A Mother's Hidden Grief (E Pub) through Amazon & Lulu & CROSSROADS ~ autobiography of my journey with my Pop (dad) with MSA & Mum with Alzheimer’s. Available on Amazon PB & EPub. Born under the star sign of Cancer Thank you for stopping by. Jenny - Melbourne Australia

21 thoughts on “I’ve grabbed hold of the reins!!”

  1. You are such a doll, Jenny, for guesting here and sharing you while I go and write what is, I think, increasingly losing the plot!
    I’ve written over 14,000 words, most of which I think are repeats of the same idea, two characters have emerged from nowhere, the tale appears to be taking on a life of its own and going somewhere else and I’m loving it!
    I’m currently printing off the lot, with a Drambuie and ice by my side. I’m figuring that if I get physical evidence in my hand and a red pen and highlighter (can’t take the teacher out of some folk!) that I might get a hold of where I’m going.
    I’m so missing posting my poetry although I haven’t stopped writing it! Pity I can’t include those in the word count for Nano. Mean buggers!
    When I get back I’ll be flooding the blogosphere with random poetry shit from my brain. A bit like what I’m doing right now with my book.
    Thank you and all my lovely guests for being a godsend. I’d be so miserable if I thought my blog were being neglected. It’s my baby. 🙂
    I owe you all big time. And I’m so chuffed that so many of my lovely blogging buddies have proven to be what I’ve always considered you to be since first meeting and getting to know you- friends.

    Just thinking here that I’m obviously missing blogging so much that I’ve basically made a post out of a comment. Can’t seem to help myself.

    All printed out now. Off to see what shit my brain has thrown onto paper. Wish it were a poetry challenge. Now there’s an idea. 😉 x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why g’day and thank you Daniel. Glad you loved (warm & fuzzy) 😀 look forward to seeing you and hope I don’t disappoint! I’ll pop over to yours soon and check you out..well your blog that is. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  2. “Is there anything to maintaining readers? My only answer is to display your manners. Read and comment whenever you can, show politeness to all that you read, be they once or if you follow.”

    Exactly what I do! Glad to know I’m doing something right 🙂

    “I have the propensity to change from one subject to the other, this is clearly evident in what I have written thus far!”



  3. Lovely post. I enjoy getting to know others, and A-M has a slew of wonderful people who are her loyal followers. I too have amazing (well at least to me) number of followers. Each time I get a notice a new person is following, I ask myself, “why?” I don’t post a lot of personal stories, poems, just mainly videos and re-blogs. I guess I fill a niche for some. I am like you with the manners and making sure I respond to comments. I feel it would be like someone talking to me, and me not even acknowledging them. Thanks for a wonderful post.


    1. Hello Rene, thank you for popping in and your kind comments. Yes we all have our niche and there are so many talented people across WP, it’s hard work to try and keep up 😊 I am glad you agree about the manners, so many don’t bother and I wonder why. Thank you for enjoying my post and for reading, appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think you did a fantastic job on this< Jen. You are so creative and one of my favorites was one with a woman looking out a window with rain and gloom abounding. You write beautifully. hugs to both of you!
    I am wondering why this says it is February 18th and if the gremlin who posted my posts out of order and ranshackled my brain came over here? It is only the 8th of February where I live! Smiles, Robin

    Liked by 1 person

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