Silver Turrets, Glacial Pillars

silver turrets

glacial pillars

mist around

a castle barely there

whispered voices


elusive valley

lost in mountains bare

enchanted hillsides

clouded rivers

vague departed

souls in coves and glens

tinkled laughter

those in knowing

dispatched from here

pale figures lived again

he and she there

those and them found

poor and paltry

rich and in between

past and present

glimpse of future

‘mid turrets, pillars

lives of all who’ve been

time entrapment

rooms revisited

sepulchre of spectres

seen before

craggy mansions

fog enshrouded

silver turrets

glacial pillars, evermore

vapour’d currents

earth, wind and fire

electrified in fields

still disbelieved

sparked by life-force

charged with purpose

redolent with birth and death

awake to unconceived

murdered, muted


battle-wearied, shunned

the exodus

fled and fleeing

faith and courage

surrendered souls

in sickness and mistrust

silver turrets, glacial pillars

lost and found 

the almost

nearly there

heaths, lush landscapes

hearts hardened, frozen

hope harkens 

in the dale beyond despair 


silver turrets

glacial pillars

whispered voices soothe

from castles, truths compare

39 thoughts on “Silver Turrets, Glacial Pillars”

  1. Mmm, generations within the lives of a castle, some there, some not. Remnants of a bygone time?
    Or are looking across at the snow capped mountains surrounding homes and valleys in your domain, and the lives that come and go around them, but they, they never seem to change, always watching, seeing the changes below but never a part of this world, just recording the folly of men?
    I see too many images in that one momus 🙂 , maybe you were a mistress of the Manor, lifetimes ago 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Even so, it was beautifully written momus, it gave me a journey within 🙂
        Sure you weren’t a queen then, or maybe even one of those big old oaks that have been around forever, watching the world go by 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Never been compared to a big, old oak before, Mark, but that’s more likely than a queen! Can’t see myself in regalia at all, at all. Big old oak I’ll go with. Or a river. Can I be a river? The River Coe’s right there. Must have seen plenty in passing. 🙂
        All kidding aside, Mark, I’m glad it gave you a journey. I’ve been told, on more than one occasion, I was born an old soul so that might account for some of my wanderings. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I very much think so momus. I think the spirit within has seen and done many, many things. That is why you touch so much in your dreams, or even in waking moments because you have learned to ‘feel’ that part within. If done with love the universe is yours 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. A hugely evocative poem, Anne-Marie, which speaks vividly about both the history and geography of your beautiful land. The tone (but not necessarily detail) made me think of Culloden, probably the eeriest place I have ever been to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For me, that’s Glencoe, Chris. Sent shivers through me and I had to get away from the place the first time I visited. Last year’s Nano is set in Glencoe so it’s interfering in my sleep again as the second one approaches. Strange how some places get to you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m feeling a bit like that myself, Cole. And I live here! Needing some Glencoe time now that I’m getting back into it. Have to talk nice to Frank and see if we can’t get a jaunt away before snow cuts us off from those parts. West End’s calling too. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Christine and I have been to Glencoe and Rannoch Moor several times – an eerie, wild but somehow claustrophobic area that speaks of clans and lives from long ago. Your poem captured all this and more.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The Pass freaked me out the first time I visited it but I fell in love with the whole place eventually. It makes me gasp every time. And, as you say, its history is palpable. I’m glad you felt the sense of it in my piece. Many thanks, again.


  3. Brilliant piece, took me back to the big country of long ago when Charlie returned to claim his throne. Seriously though Momus, the period between dream and wakefulness is captured so well here. Love to you, beautiful lady.

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