Follow Blindly

Follow blindly, follow blindly

For these are the rules

The diktats, instructions

As precious as jewels


Hear our sweet song

While we put you to sleep

With subliminal statutes

That you need to keep


Follow blindly, follow blindly

Stay in your place

Beneath all appointed

To run human race


Stop at the red light

Though no -one’s around

The cameras are watching

To run renegades to ground


Follow blindly, follow blindly

No dilemmas, least strife

Do as you’re told

And we’ll run your life


Ignore common sense

And the other five too

Just follow us blindly

What we say, you do


Follow blindly, follow blindly

It’s safer that way

Don’t question authority

Day after day


Follow on blindly

Keep blinkers in place

You’ll find life no challenge

When you keep to pace


Follow blindly, follow blindly

Now bow to your queen

Your betters, the wealthy

All titled, when seen


Follow us blindly

Our lies, your beliefs

You be the minions

While we are the chiefs


Follow blindly, follow blindly

Your freedom, our food

Do as you’re told

It’s for your own good


Kill that man there

For he is your foe

Our enemy, yours

Just so’s you know


Follow blindly, follow blindly

For we know the score

As long as we feed you

Don’t ask for more


Don’t be a rebel

A champion of cause

Ask us no reasons

The answer’s because


Follow blindly, follow blindly

Listen and learn

We are in charge here

You don’t get a turn


Hear our sweet song

And we’ll put you to sleep

Live in the shallows

Don’t delve down too deep


Follow blindly, follow blindly

Keep status quo

Be sycophantic

To those in the know


Those who control you

The world at our feet

Quietly, lambkin

Follow blindly as sheep


Follow blindly, follow blindly

For these are the rules

The diktats, instructions

For fascists and fools


7 thoughts on “Follow Blindly”

  1. Ah Anne-Marie, doesn’t that just sum up this world. But thankfully underneath all that are souls like yours, discovering your truth even though at times you give up in exasperation wondering why do you bother, and seeing the fear that drives them as you see your own.
    Well written my friend, and very relevant to the generations of fearmongering leaders in their lust for power and the greed created from it 😀 ❤

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