Bathe, Fiddle, Sing

Egypt’s golden age defiled,

Historic records state,

Intangibles, all forgotten,

Resigned to fickle fate.

Bubbles of illusion burst,

Glamour all the rage,

History rewritten badly,

Burnt on to every page.


Rome, another, fallen thus,

All circus and a show,

Political machinations, manoeuvrings,

Citizens content to let it flow.

Corruption in the state

And in the status quo,

Learning left to others,

Leaders planned scenarios.


Britain in its empire days

All glory, majesty,

Worldwide fame and flags to plant,

Such a travesty.

Pride, the sin most deadly,

Altering the facts,

Blemishes on antiquity,

Everything out of whack.


Powerful becomes corrupt,

It’s written in the stars

And on all pages, in all books,

Dorian Gray revealed such scars.

Lessons from all ages,

From every corner found,

We look, ignore and perish,

Eyes focused on the ground.


Lift up our eyes,

Unto the skies,


The dawn arise,

Let golden glow be

Aurora’s show,

Not detonate

To die.


Amiss we stand,

Remiss we are,

While clowns cavort

In arena’s ring.

Nero fiddled,

Cleopatra bathed,

We dance

And laugh and sing.