
I could try for platitudes and paint a picture of one stoic

Or weep and wail like banshee as I feel

That death, apocalyptic, came suited, calling,

Masked and armed with blade and potter’s wheel.

34 thoughts on “Thrown”

    1. I’m grieving, Beth. I can’t believe it. Don’t want to believe it. I’ve gone through every emotion today from disappointment to disbelief. I’ve been angry. Now, I’m so sad that a man who has fought for this all his life has just announced he won’t stand again as First Minister of Scotland. I’ve never voted for his party politics but he has been the figurehead of the voices that were raised in Yes. I’m gutted for him. I’m gutted for us. And so very, very sad. Thank you for caring, Beth.x

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    1. Thank you, WW. I appreciate your earlier support and here and now. I too am amazed at the outcome. But a new wave of people politics has arisen here. And it’s not going away from what I’m reading and feeling. Thank you once again for your thoughts and support.x

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  1. I am so deeply saddened by the results. I pray now that Westminister will keep her promises to Scotland and that one day in the future, you will be free!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Chess. It is sad for all of us who voted Yes. I fear it may also prove to be sad for those who voted No on the promise of more devolved powers. It looks as if that may already be on shaky ground.


      1. I am sure you are right so I am praying hard for you. I cried this morning when I woke up here and turned on the news, I am so sad for Scotland.


      2. I’ve moved into a stunned phase. Sitting here listening to the latest news, the changes that are ahead one way or another could split the UK more than any independence vote ever would have.


      3. And in another 10 or 20 years, when promises are not kept, there is much hope that your children will see a free Scotland. My prayers are with you.


  2. I can imagine how you must feel. I felt that way when Dubya won here, both times. I was a mess for a long time. At least you can take some consolation in the fact that 10 Downing has to scramble to accommodate Scotland now and there should be major concessions made. It can always come up for a vote again, no? xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Time will tell on both matters, Beth. I’m more likely to believe one over the other given how many times promises and pledges have been broken or altered beyond all recognition. I’ll be watching with interest and acting at every turn.


  3. Broken hearted sis – but we will fight on, we have no choice. And I think our wonderful First Minister has done something incredible today in telling us he is stepping down – he has done something that we rarely see in politics – and I know without shadow of a doubt that he will continue to fight our corner in whatever capacity he may choose. xxxx ❤


    1. You’re absolutely right, Veronica. And I see us all stepping up more to the plate. People politics has been introduced here in a way long forgotten or never known by some. Our young people have been a credit to us in the way they have engaged.
      Come on round! We’re having a wee impromptu night for Frank. Red biddy and bolognaise. And lots of chat! 🙂

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  4. But there is a very important point in this mommus….they can now see the numbers. And it isn’t a miserly ‘few’ grumbling in the corners of a room, it is half a country calling. Keep that button pushed and they will have to give on a better level or they ‘know’ the next time Scotland will be gone. They told everyone this or that to keep them in the fold, and if they go back on it now, the people will remember. There won’t be a ‘close’ vote the next time. This has achieved a lot more than you may think. Have hope my friend, you have been part of a major shift in your country. Lift your head mommus and be proud of this moment, it is a watershed in your politics. Mark


    1. You’re right, Mark. The truth of this will be known. Thank you for your encouraging words and the wisdom you espouse. I think on some of the words I have read of yours at times like this. Especially now, I recollect the advice you gave after my Irish holiday. I’m going to that place within and drawing on strength that is taking me forward from here.


      1. You brought a lump to my throat, Lisa. I’m humbled if anything I say inspires, especially from someone as inspiring as yourself. You’re a credit to womanhood and a tower of strength. We all just try, I suppose. Going on in the face of whatever.x


      2. Really?! Well, that made me happy! You’re one of the people I really want approval from. I literally post things sometimes and think I hope she approves. I know it’s silly, but you really make me want to always do better. I’ve been sort of shy about telling you how much you inspire me because your heart is so beautiful and you’re so elegant. Ok. So. I said it and I went out of my comfort zone to say it. So thank you. (I know. I’m weird. I’m sorry. )


      3. Now you made me smile widely. Elegant! Sitting here in my jeans and dinosaur T-shirt. 🙂 I know what you mean. We get an idea of someone from their words. You and another blogger I follow, Daniel, inspired me to write a poem a few weeks ago based on a post each of you had written. I haven’t posted it yet because I’ve been caught up in loads of stuff here. I’ll look it out. I’m hoping I’ve saved it in WP draft because I don’t know what’s going on with my laptop but it’s been acting silly for weeks and I’ve had to reboot it more than once. I’m absolutely delighted that you think of me in such a positive way. We’ll get a mutual admiration club going! It’s reciprocatd. You’ve warmed my heart tonight, Lisa. And I’ve just found my poem in the drafts folder. God bless foresight.I’ll post it shortly and link to you and Daniel. It’s a great reminder in fact for me after these last days. So you’ve inspired me yet again.x


  5. Anne-Marie- we will discuss this in person, but please know my thoughts are with you. I know how invested you remain in finding what’s best for Scotland- for your family and the wider community. You should be proud as anything at the incredible turn-out for the vote- if we could achieve such numbers hereabouts it would be a thing of wonder to behold!

    The people have spoken- loudly and proudly- and regardless of this outcome I truly think that the winds of change will keep steering us in positive directions. People politics, as you say, are the wave we need to be riding.

    And now to the packing… See you soon! xo


  6. I’m so sorry. I know that many Scots are very disappointed and saddened by this as are those of us around the world who wanted to see this referendum pass. Hugs and blessings, N 🙂 ❤
    PS. I noticed in the first comment above that someone called you Anne Marie. My grandaughter's name is Annie Marie, small world, huh?!


    1. I’m deeply sorry too. The truth will be shown. Thank you for your support in reading and taking part in this journey, JGi. Your Scottish accent must be coming on well. 🙂 x


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