Worship Postponed ……till further notice



naked prostration forecast

veneration imminent

for Helios’ disciples

lovers of the light revere


cold-blooded despair lies prone

enslaved to absent shadows

titanic teardrops drowning

charioteer’s devotees


Thinking In Colour

I thought I saw a rainbow with its lights on

it glittered through the dark

all multi-hued

I thought I saw it, people sliding on it

laughing as they sped

it felt so good

I thought I saw you there among the others

head thrown back

a twinkle in your eyes

I smiled to see you happy, that made me so

I thought I saw it

behind dreaming lies

I think I thought that dreaming was believing

I think I thought

you slid on rainbows too

I think tonight I’ll dream in black and white so

I never think those thoughts

of light and you

Trouble is that rainbows come unbidden

arcs of promise

beckoning, come on

sliding on its curves

the light self-risen

coloured realm that always draws me in

See you on the rainbow, silver’d lining

promissory arch

as each day dawns

slide awhile with me, it costs us nothing

just words of love

and thoughts, fresh coloured, every morn.

Happy New Year, everyone! May your days be filled with light and colour. Thank you so much for your continued support. I appreciate every visit and comment. All the best to each and everyone for 2016. Hugs and love. You’re a grand crew!xox

Full Circle

5546845675_89246e2931_o[(Awarded 1st Place) Great Grandmother by SFC Lance Widner – Division 1 (Active Duty Military) CC by 2.0]

The light weighs no more than seven pounds or one hundred,

fuses the two in joint weightlessness,

gifts a vision, transcendent,

reveals what was and is and a voice says, Come.

Question is not asked nor answer given though it hangs

on pillows and white cotton,

a wondering, hopeful question,

am I thus renewed

and the light blinks,

bats eyes in coy allusion,

it is not mine to tell

but lift, with me, this easy burden,

bring your child home.

Written for Mindlovemisery’s Photo Challenge #92 and Haddon Musings’ Senior Salon #3. For some reason, best known to my Kindle browser upgrade, I can’t copy and paste the links. I’ll do that when I fire up my laptop tomorrow – well, today, but I’m going to sleep now. Hope I wake! I hate an unfinished job.

Woke, worked, shopped, still doing, Merry Christmas, not wrapped yet but got the links updated. I call that a score. 😉


Lengthening the vision from soul to spirit

In eternal gratitude touch permeates

All things ingratiating and forever

The vessel that houses our soul will march on

In tune inwardly familiarized with breath

Of a warm complexion, courage of my life

Force resolute, devoted fidelity

Love, love,love, oh my delighted rapture, love

All doors lead to the center of our heart’s core

Swirling colors bringing reverent voices

Thankful to the Father that gives us our depth

I wrote this poem and I felt led to share it with this particular audience. I’m just trying to go with the flow.

Thank you for reading,


only one eye knows the difference

but it shuts to see

oculus of moon’s reflections

nights that set it free

only one eye needs to notice

all that dark decrees

assimilated in observing

oracle that heeds

only one eye must to listen

other senses flee

cusping arcs of sight concession

one eye to truly see




Bell Rock Lighthouse

There stands a beacon where a bell proved weak,

Voice to the voyagers in luminous speak,

Identity unique by pulse precise,

Guidance given where the sea hides vice,

Ragged rock with a tidal view

Dwelt below the surface, steered untrue

Were the vessels in their passing, as they hoped to pass,

Made safe in the knowledge cast by coloured glass.

Fires on the hillsides, pillars by the ports,

Candle flames for safe escort,

Antiquity to modern, lighthouse gave

Synonymous, eponymous, strobes to save.

Silent Screech

Sheltered in shadows till light disappeared,

Urged into night with a screech,

Hung by my feet till wings found release,

Shackled by lack of sight, leeched

Into the gloaming, soft darknes held dear,

Strident but silent my speech,

Seeking an echo to steer my path clear,

All vision just out of my reach.

Flitted and flirted with posturing objects,

Clamoured in darkness with sound,

Wilderness wild in every aspect,

Not a whisper of you to be found,

Back to my haven, my roost for the day,

Hoisted by end to my flight,

Each night that encroaches I have my say,

Hidden but hellbent on fight.

Bats in the belfry, bats in the barn,

Bats that seek out your source,

Pipistrelles, vampires, creatures with fangs,

Bloodthirsty for want of discourse.

I’ve tasted your scent and it soars my desire,

Nothing but you will suffice,

Starved I will be till I find you again,

Ambition cannot think twice.

Waiting in wings, in towers, your roof,

Scratching till day turns to night,

Champing at bit till one found aloof,

Neck raised to the stars, what a sight! 

Bounty is mine when wings find their tips,

When fangs in my face thirst, it’s true,

Seeping through blackness, I’m whetting my lips

Lusting for sacrifice. You.

Rest With The Angels

pale soft diffusion

steady, slow, to timely chirps

dreamland fades to morn

absorbing stillness

subtle changes filter shades

peace awakening

perfumed oils pamper

paced luxury kneads to sleep

rest with the angels

Prescription needed!

Spa days cure insomnia,

Doctor in the house?

Turn The Lights On

Turn the lights on, daddy,

there’s a demon and he’s scheming

and he’s lurking underneath my single bed,

I know that you can’t see him but I feel him

and he’s scratching round and hatching

awful thoughts inside my head,

I need you for my hero

and I trust you with my life

and I believe that you can vanquish all my foes,

So turn the lights on, daddy, please

and leave a little glow before you go.


Turn the lights on, mummy,

for the demons have grown larger and they’re looming

in the darkness all around and

I can’t see them but I sense them

and they follow

and they wear me to the ground.

I know that you have answers for you’ve lived a life

and carried thought and love

and won some battles in your day,

I trust that you will guide me and direct me

with your wisdom,

You’ll never steer me wrong no matter what I say.

So turn the lights on mummy, please,

And show to me the lightness of your ways.


Leave the lights on, darling,

to the demons of your darkness

in the night that come to steal,

let me see your demons dancing, I’ll destroy them,

we’ll be stronger when we fight them, both together,

we have power in the loving, can’t you feel.

We’ll spread it out and round and up and down,

we’ll cover corners, every base that comes along

and fight the fight we have to win,

we’ll vanquish ghosts and ghouls and demons,

terrors of the night and daylight hours,

every torment, everything.

So leave the lights on, baby, I’ll protect you,

You’ll protect me, we’re a team.


Turn all the lights on, fetch the torches

bring the candles, lamps and shining stars

and blazing sun,

the demons are retreating,

we have power all around us,

they are fearful and we’ve got them on the run.

All these demons, they’re illusion

and their danger is persuasion

and it’s fear all children fear along their spine

and it grows along beside us and defeats us,

all negation, all abstraction

and it subjugates our light to shine.

So turn the lights on, leave the lights on,

we’re all children but, together, with our beacons, we’ll be  fine.