At The Harbour

Not quite business as usual yet – just wanted to get this dream out of my head. Hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend.x

Black dresses, on the slipway, at the harbour

White faces, satisfied, wreathed in smiles

Exhausted, but still cheerful, chat in passing

Long gone from home, a journey of some miles

Cramped hovercraft, of grey, with tiny doorway

Crawling through with effort, things in hand

Embarrassment of riches, carried loosely

Safe negotiation onto land

Whitest buildings, rising all around, with gangways

Tunnels, thoroughfares, all leading there

Espied upon arrival, at the harbour

Dishevilled from the journey to somewhere

Someone says, we saw you leave the small boat

Nice moves in your escape, you did that fine

A fleeting grin acknowledges their vision

We pass and part, each following own line

They’re heading to the harbour, I’ve just left it

Strangers in the night, opposing paths

Wandering intentions nod, go onwards

We’re dressed in black but, inwardly, we laugh

Were you at the harbour, did I see you

Partied out, with friends, returning home

Or heading to a gig, the night not over

While, dressed for night, I headed on alone

Faces, pale and smiling, were so happy

No cares, their drug the living yet to be

Were you at the harbour, bidding fellowship

Tell me, stranger, do you know and did you see

The woman, on her own, down at the harbour

Were you one who hailed and headed there this morn

Facing south while, northerly, I bid you

Good luck, down at the harbour, hazing dawn

Thinking In Colour

I thought I saw a rainbow with its lights on

it glittered through the dark

all multi-hued

I thought I saw it, people sliding on it

laughing as they sped

it felt so good

I thought I saw you there among the others

head thrown back

a twinkle in your eyes

I smiled to see you happy, that made me so

I thought I saw it

behind dreaming lies

I think I thought that dreaming was believing

I think I thought

you slid on rainbows too

I think tonight I’ll dream in black and white so

I never think those thoughts

of light and you

Trouble is that rainbows come unbidden

arcs of promise

beckoning, come on

sliding on its curves

the light self-risen

coloured realm that always draws me in

See you on the rainbow, silver’d lining

promissory arch

as each day dawns

slide awhile with me, it costs us nothing

just words of love

and thoughts, fresh coloured, every morn.

Happy New Year, everyone! May your days be filled with light and colour. Thank you so much for your continued support. I appreciate every visit and comment. All the best to each and everyone for 2016. Hugs and love. You’re a grand crew!xox

Silver Turrets, Glacial Pillars

silver turrets

glacial pillars

mist around

a castle barely there

whispered voices


elusive valley

lost in mountains bare

enchanted hillsides

clouded rivers

vague departed

souls in coves and glens

tinkled laughter

those in knowing

dispatched from here

pale figures lived again

he and she there

those and them found

poor and paltry

rich and in between

past and present

glimpse of future

‘mid turrets, pillars

lives of all who’ve been

time entrapment

rooms revisited

sepulchre of spectres

seen before

craggy mansions

fog enshrouded

silver turrets

glacial pillars, evermore

vapour’d currents

earth, wind and fire

electrified in fields

still disbelieved

sparked by life-force

charged with purpose

redolent with birth and death

awake to unconceived

murdered, muted


battle-wearied, shunned

the exodus

fled and fleeing

faith and courage

surrendered souls

in sickness and mistrust

silver turrets, glacial pillars

lost and found 

the almost

nearly there

heaths, lush landscapes

hearts hardened, frozen

hope harkens 

in the dale beyond despair 


silver turrets

glacial pillars

whispered voices soothe

from castles, truths compare


It’s beginning to look like I’ve given up writing poetry but, hey, what are lyrics but poetry set to music?

That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it as I’m thoroughly enjoying this foray into writing and singing the lyrics to accompany Johnny’s fabulous music.

He and his lovely wife, Lisa, both put an incredible amount of work into compiling the video.

Where you go I’ll never know,

it’s a dream,

cast alone as a stone

into a stream.

I am void when you’re gone,

just a shell of myself,

you leave me there,

I don’t know where,

when or if I’ll be reborn,

recover soon, without you, my other self.


Why you leave I can’t conceive,

where you go I’ll never know,

into night you have flown

while I lie here all alone,

tie me to you,

take me on the voyage,

where you fly

as I lay here to die,

without you.


Where you go I’ll never know,

it’s a dream,

left alone while you roam

in the realms of a world

that is your home

from waking days,

each night I pray

you will return to me,

I’ll never see what you’ve seen

as I lie here lost to dreams,

beyond the night you have flown

as I die a death alone,

tie me to you,

take me on your voyage,

into night, where you fly,

do not leave me here to die

bring life back to my dreams,

take me with you when you go,

where you fly,

I cannot bear to die alone

on my own, just a shell of myself.

You leave me bare,

I don’t know where, when or if

I’ll be reborn, recover soon,

my death to self.



footstep on a cloud of strange unknowing

a pause midair that falters in failed tread

cushioned push returns its pressure stillborn

freeze-frame moment captured in my head

a leap from soft to nothing by a tiptoe

bounce back from invisible though seen

enforced figments caught in time-lapse

qualitative queries in strange dreams

pondered pirouettes unseemly balanced

twirling thoughts on razor’s edge too honed

ethereal and uncontrolled they dip-dive

slow-motioned acts and visions – think I’m stoned. :/


My underexertion of the other day resulting in a sore neck has taken on pain of proportions rendering F#°*! useless as a means of coping. My kindly doctor has prescribed a muscle relaxant (that, according to my kids, some use as a means of ‘getting mellow’) and strong pain killers.

I am only fully appreciating that I may be a control freak because this lack of control is now doing my head in. The dreams are pretty good but I don’t usually need meds to induce strange dreams. My brain usually does that all by its lonesome.

I thought I’d post before I trip again unless you want the garbled version I did earlier and saved to draft. Even I don’t know what that one was about.

All In The Stars

There are stars in the sky and they’re shining for you

The way that I wished them to do

And, though some are falling, releasing the spell,

The lights of the others hold true.

There are rays so fantastic directed on you,

That’s all that I hoped they would do

And though you can’t see them, averting your eyes,

Their heat must be felt through and through.

There are dreams in their beams empowering you,

That’s all that I dreamed of, it’s true,

And though disbelieved as some sleepers awake

I’ll keep on wishing and dreaming for you.


This Now

Imperative, in night, this gives

Command brooks

Quiet, this resistance,

Now see, stand!

Energy you feel, this floating

Room alive

Now know inside, this flight

Of possible, now real,

Pillow weight, this light, forfeit


Lift birth, this knows

Now smiles

Persuasive love, this coos,

Askance in understanding,

Ghosts of nodding

This, in recognition, now

Those all around,

Who is the ghost

Now this

From sight above.

Virtual Conversations

Too little time to gather each memento,

Tokens only, second best, it’s true,

Each a valued part of all our yesterdays,

Virtual realities of you.

Here’s the service, china that you cherished,

Inside the case of glass so worldly old,

Incongruous among the modern,

Patina still polished, burnished gold.

There’s blue Willow Pattern, studied paintwork,

Aladdin’s lamp that took your fancy too,

Books on every subject that you purchased,

Read, shared, discussed, in nights where me and you

Sat up in the small hours drinking whisky,

Passion flying in between debate,

Nothing ever vetoed in discussion,

We didn’t know then time was running late.

Time, the bastard child of loving parents,

Belonging nowhere, orphaned while we muse

Each and every small memento looked on,

I’d swap them all for one more night with you.

My mother died five years ago, it’s not the anniversary of her death but she’s been in my mind a lot this while back. Dreams of her, conversations in the dreams, looks I know so well. Whenever this occurs I know there’s something I need to listen to, something I would have discussed with her, something that’s eluding my full understanding or something I’m ignoring. She was good on the somethings and the everythings. Nothing ever vetoed. Need to listen now. Or she’ll skelp my arse! And I’d welcome it for one more real conversation.