Overcoming Obstacles

When I watch the world unfolding on the telly,

With aged power holding on so tight,

I wonder at the causes and the reasons,

I speculate on what is wrong and right.


I see the crowds and hear the rules and wonder

If status quo is so great, as they say,

Why are people marching for their freedom,

Taking time out of their busy day


To beg release from what they deem oppression,

A servitude to rule that can’t reflect

The hearts and minds of innocence now seeing

The world as ruled by purposeful neglect.


I worry and I fret that what I’m seeing,

Acting in, supporting with my soul,

Is part of cosmic chaos justly unfolding

Or realisation of some greater cosmic goal.


I think of anthills, where casual observer

Positions obstacles for circus fun,

To watch trapezists vault and clowns perform their stumblings,

And, hating circus, want to see its ending done.


I wonder at the honesty of all the actions,

I grieve at cynicism I have found.

While watching, hearing, praying, I’m still hopeful

That truth, like electricity, will find its ground.


Then I think of all the marchers singing, hopeful,

Of the ones they’re marching for, determinedly,

And I glory in the knowledge that, despite all,

People cry for freedom, liberty.


4 thoughts on “Overcoming Obstacles”

  1. Have you ever read Shell Silverstein, Momus? Sometimes your poetry makes me think of “Where the Sidewalk Ends.” It’s a childrens book, so there’s no relation content-wise, but he’s a beautiful poet, and writes in a style quite a bit like yours. I still go back and read his books, not because I need to know where the sidewalk ends, but because of the beautiful poetry he wrote.
    Like music. That’s why I like your poetry so much– it’s like music.

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    1. I thought not till I looked up this poem and parts of it seem familiar to me. But then sometimes I just think things have happened and it was all a dream! 😉 Thank you for the lovely compliment. I’m so pleased you enjoy my writing.x

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