A Good Citizen Now

It is so good to feel the pain now and be recognisant of its source. Every stabbing flesh wound and mental piercing takes me back to the Day of Great Awareness. Everything before then is now a nightmare of nothingness and unknowing, an abysmal non-life centred around their planned illusory calm; a place and time where innocence and ignorance reeked vapid. Those sugar-coated pills issued for protection are flushed now, winding round bends designed to confuse and obliterate the facts. The fact now is I’m alive to their game. Now that I know the rules I intend to break them all. Like a good militant citizen.

20 thoughts on “A Good Citizen Now”

  1. Thuis could be the opening to a classic novel of social rebellion or the small ‘man’ against the government; or a little slice of social commentary. Nicely written!


    1. Thanks, Chris. I woke at 5.30 this morning with these words more or less formed and decided to post them. Then immediately wrote the next 100 and the next. I think I might take this further. Might depend on how I sleep though!lol.


  2. Love this, Anne-Marie! So intriguing- has me on the edge of my seat! My kind of opening paragraph!
    (btw- flight to Glasgow booked! Will chat about details- but I’m DEF headed your way!)


    1. Oh, that’s great! It’ll be smashing to meet you in person. Now, I’m not great on idle chitchat so we’ll have to get into the nitty gritty with the second glass of wine.lol. Drop me an email and let me know the details scottishmomus@outlook.com
      I have a fair idea from this morning where I’d like to go with this little starter. We can plot the intrigue together when we meet – I imagine you’d have a good bit to say on the subject!
      I’ll look forward to hearing from you.x


      1. I will send a PM to your email with the deets. It’ll be COSMIC! Plotting intrigue and putting all to rights with the world over pints/wine. What could be better? xo


      1. I know!lol. I may very well abandon other projects and settle into some serious work on this one. I can actually see a more or less complete outline. I’ll just request dreams to continue the theme. 🙂 x


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