The Horse’s Mouth

Your voice tells me

What I need to know

One among the many

Giving truths


Does not cut it

For me any more

I’d rather hear it

From the horse’s mouth.

I wanted to reblog this post here but I don’t know where the reblog buttons have been hidden on a number of sites now. WP glitch or me being thick?

Ashiakira writes beautiful haiku but today he steps out from that short form to write with the same truth and feeling on a situation of national and global importance.

I trust a man who has known the loss of war and desires peace. He speaks for his people even while his government rewrites their constitution. It is in posts such as this that I fully appreciate the real power and importance of blogging. Who else will tell us what we need to know with such honesty but a fellow human being living within the constraints of political machinations? We all know that place; the one where governments decide, press portrays its version but we don’t feel as they do. Please read these words from a beautiful soul.

12 thoughts on “The Horse’s Mouth”

  1. Reblog is now next to the LIKE button. If not. Check to ensure you are on “standard”format. I was on “gallery” for a few posts and lost my reblog button. Hope this helps

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    1. I’ll check that out (if I can figure out how!) I did find the reblog button next to the like on a few other blogs but not on every one. I wish they would stop twiddling with things that worked perfectly well before. :/

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      1. I had about 20 posts on “gallery” format and I don’t remember doing that. After three email exchanges with WP we found the problem. I have since changed my password and added a verification code sent to my iPhone each time I log on now. I thought I may have been hacked and played safe

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