Child’s Day

No tears on waking,

one to keep

from words of love still running deep,

Two or more shall still be shed 

upon this day and those ahead

for mum-shaped love departed.

Daughter still,

though only name,

when both have gone, it’s not the same

Love shaped, parent-hearted.

I’ll never be an adult till

I forget, don’t miss them still,

Child-shaped, broken-hearted.

A rose or two I’ll lay today,

My children with me as I say

Goodbye, again,

Love and miss you always,

tears now started.

Funny how

the years betray

the child inside us, come what may,

 Children all, though parted.

Some tears I’ll spread for kids around,

some for others lost but bound

to heaven’s home where still they be

parents always to childlike me.

As children, how we started.

Today is Mother’s Day in the UK. To all children and parents, children still, for the love you have and give, be blessed.

May Music, Day 13 – Never forgotten

The only person that fits the category of ‘former friend’ according to my initial understanding of Twindaddy’s 13th question in the 25 day music challenge is one I choose not to remember, except to say:

Pernicious she was,

Vampiric bleeder of souls.

Better in the past.

I’ll take it instead to mean friends I’ve lost touch with for one reason or another. I still think fondly of them and know it would be like picking up where we left off should we meet again. Those people I consider as friends are never lost to my affections. One, in particular, I hope to catch up with in the fairly near future, all things going well.

For all friends that I may have lost touch with, because life takes us different places, I think of James Taylor with ‘You’ve Got A Friend’.


May Music, Day 11 – There can be only one…..

Ghost-filled glens, mist enshrouded massacres from old hospitality creep onto and under my skin. Halting in the Pass of Glencoe, shuddering and shaking with immortal cold, only desiring escape from palpable venom and yesterday’s wars. Photographers click. I run. Back and away. Twenty-six years and ten months ago. Love, newly embraced, threatened by death between mountains.

So brief, this voyage,

love and lands glimpsed and wished

thru’ life dream’s passing lights,

peeped portholes of discovery,

vessels buoyed and storm-tossed

in fleeting nights.


pirated insecurity,

priced to always pay

in loving lost,

no sanctioned entitlement

to one second of one day.

Risk is all,

gameplay on high seas,

atop mountains, in glen,

untouchable reality,

all knowledge

without ken.

Love, the alchemy,

banish broadswords


one challenging another to

supremacy over death

inevitable. Hold steady.

Peaked waterfalls fill

unconscious streams, spilling

elixir into life-giving lochs.

Ocean’s tumult,

earth’s quake,


Haar-swathed eternities,


castles in the air,

whorls of great illusion,

created in and from time. Immortality, 

one love, should we dare.

So, now I hope you can see why I couldn’t possibly share my favourite song from my favourite band for yesterday’s post because it is from my favourite movie. And what’s not to love? It has everything. Romance, some sex, a bonnie lassie, love, hate, evil, good, a conquering hero, an enemy, hope, immortality, Queen’s soundtrack.

‘And shiiit, it even haash me, Sean Connery. Shum shings jusht don’t get any bettur. And Chrishtopher Lambert’sh acshent ish almosht aash good aash mine. And mine haash sherved me well. Even when I waash a Russian.’

Hope you don’t mind I cheated a bit for yesterday’s question, Twindaddy. I thought Yoda could explain.

My Love

Lost in contemplation of your eyes,

A smile escapes, then followed by my sighs.

You lie with me and pools of liquid gleam,

I snuggle close and close my own to dream


Of love we’ve shared so many years like this,

Of passion, slowly followed by such bliss.

In dreams, you run to me and hold,

To warm a heart, once frozen so with cold.


Your trust in me fills all I am today

And makes the woman work at keeping all this way.

For none should take such precious love for granted,

It’s effort, work, combined with seeds we’ve planted.


If dreams turn other thoughts to mind,

Remember, in my life, you’ll always find

Arms wide to welcome all you are:

My lover, friend, my constant shining star.