Credits Rolling

Movie’s almost over,

Time to open eyes to life again,

Credits still rolling,

Giving time to make a choice and then

Sink back to sleep,

In coloured pictures – existence formatted – digitised on screen

Or live the dream,

The life you’ve seen and recreated time again in dreams.

Title music’s fading and the links are on,

Continuity, same voice

Designed to soothe and keep you prone,

Empty mug,

Discarded wrappers at your feet,


Comfort formed,


Token’d treats,

Then off to bed,


Begin the same.




All for them.


Switch off, tune out………………….


Turn on. Tune into life, let’s dare again.


You said play momus, so play with spirit I did 🙂

I sing a song, a song of life,
a rhythm from deep within
Ancient for its energy,
a tale of where we’ve been
Even to this very day,
our journey has never changed
We seek to find our purpose,
to find what was arranged
And as the road of life,
that bouncing bumpy path
Looks to find our inner heart,
amongst the aftermath
But the wisdom of our truth,
those pearls of yesteryear
Are bound to our destiny,
all of which we share
So hold your strength,
and face this world of stress
For even amongst its scary ways,
is a magic we are blessed
And when we feel the time has come,
to bid this land goodbye
We transform into another,
to begin again on high.

This really allows an inner expression my friend, thank you!   🙂