When I Come To It


I thought I’d cross that bridge when I came to it. And now I had. It didn’t look so rickety up close. Even had a certain look of strength about it. And it wasn’t exactly crossing a ravine. Somehow, having approached it leisurely, in my own time, I was ready to cross it. I didn’t break stride and put to the back of my mind what lay ahead on the other side. For all I knew, the path might open to the valley of the dolls. Or perhaps another bridge. But I’d cross that one when I came to it.

I like to take my challenges when the time seems right. This flash fiction challenge appeared in my inbox today and appealed to me on a number of accounts.

I’m on holiday from school for a week, which also means so are my kids. You know how weans can nip your brain with, ‘what are we doing?’ Well, that doesn’t work too well with me. I’m not a big planner, having learned years ago, to go more with the flow. As a result, we’ve done something different each day, more on the spur of the moment than through any planned itinerary. I like it that way. Crossing my bridges when I come to them.

The challenge asks us to include a little about our week, a song to sum it up and to include, within the body of exactly 100 words, a favourite childhood toy.

Tick. Tick. Ticking more below.Looking out from Largs

Looking out from Largs. The sun does shine in Scotland sometimes. October’s good with me. 🙂 I headed off for the day with three of my daughters as everyone else was working. Poor buggers.

My eldest

My eldest, Claire. She’ll kill me!

My youngest

My youngest, Anna. She’s too wee to. 😉

Louise and I were camera shy. Which is surprising for her but not for me. I’d had three hours sleep the night before – it having been the first day of the holiday and sitting up Twittering politics and drinking whiskey and coke. Somebody’s got to do it. Occasionally. I just kept my sunspecs on and nobody was any the wiser. Except maybe the girl who took our lunch order and wondered why I was wearing them indoors. She never said though.

Inverkip Marina

Inverkip Marina. No, I don’t have a boat. But I like looking at them. 🙂

Last night was a quiz night with all of my crew and a few and a pile of fajitas. My team came second but I had the two youngest which I thought was a bit unfair considering the game was for over 16’s and they’re 8 and 14. And I was up against umpteen universities and an auld guy called Frank. Love him to pieces but he doesn’t half know shit what with all that age on his side. His team won. Sods. Do you know from which film the following statement comes? ‘There is no spoon.’ Well, I didn’t. Till after I heard the answer and then I was fuming. I don’t watch all that many movies so I was rubbish at those questions. But I love this movie. I blame the noise and everybody telling everybody else to wheesht. My excuse. Sticking to it.

Yes, so, going with the flow. Today I’m a lady of leisure which is brill. Everyone has something on. So have I right enough. I got up and put clothes on. Had a coffee. Ate some grapes. Had another coffee. It’s hectic.

Tomorrow we’re thinking – not planning – on the East Coast. I love St. Andrew’s and the area all round. Beach, sea. Loads of craft shops and book shops. Coffee shops. City with a country town feel. I always try to get a wander around it every year. Kinda late this year. But I’ve had a lot of bridges to cross.

Oh! Song!

This one. Because ‘I’m On Top Of The World’. Yass!

24 thoughts on “When I Come To It”

  1. Lovely metaphorical flash! Sounds like you’re having a fine time – nothing like Scotland in the sunshine! Haven’t heard this track before, and it’s not like anything else that I’ve heard by them – very up-beat.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Now, now Momus. You have a heart of gold and a rhythm to match.
    That gentleman probably knows everything…but alas didn’t have the heart to allow a lovely scottish lady to win. He probably spends his entire life watching movies, answering quizzes and hasn’t got a life.
    Whereas you my friend are on holidays with your children, hungover and being coerced into other wanderings up hill and down dale.
    Um, I think your in front 🙂
    Great post momus, but your time is spent with heart, naught else may give that satisfaction!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t complain. He brings me coffee in bed every morning! Very competitive here at quizzes. And Scrabble. And Monopoly. And, well, most things, really. I might not be just as competitive as hubs but the kids and I give him a good run for his money. Must be in the genes. 😀 He’d probably agree on the not having a life though! Seven weans and I probably see to that. 😉


      1. Ooops…you said the gentleman was from another team….I didn’t realise it was hubby 😀 Mind you, you did say something about loving him. I’m a bit tired this morning, late night coding…my excuse and I’m sticking with it 😀 (where have I heard that before 🙂 )
        Apologise the the gentleman for me, especially the bit about not having a life 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We’re always on different quiz teams. The kids split us up to minimise damage and give them a chance of winning! Come to think of it, the wee sods even use that ruse in other areas. Time to gang up on them, I think. 😉 Don’t worry about Frank not having a life. He does as well as me! I might tell him though just to wind him up a bit. Joys of marriage and all that. 😛


    1. Yours too, eh? I’m not much good with a camera (or phone for that matter) – so they keep telling me. I’m always quite surprised when the heads are on and everything’s not a blur. She’ll never know. 😉


  3. The minute I read this title, Anne-Marie I thought about the fact that waiting to cross that bridge until one must is wise advice and always seems to work out for the best. Great, mind-stimulating concept.

    I love your leisurely approach. My MIL had seven kids and that is how she handled/handles things, i.e., on the spur of the moment. Somehow lots gets done without excessive planning, of which I am guilty. I make each outing such an ordeal that often it seems easier to simply stay home, LOL.

    Love the notion of Onion soup. Pretty pictures — living near the sea again is my dream. You and I are on a wavelength on this right now.

    Enjoy your break! Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I used to plan more, Beth. Took ages to gather all I thought was needed for a day out/holiday/project. I don’t know if I just got fed up with it or others got fed up with me prepping – not that they complained when I’d organised a fabulous picnic while they were moaning! Over the years though it’s waned and I just grab my purse and go. Actually planning ahead for days/nights out has never appealed. I never know whether I’ll be in the mood and hate to be tied down to refrains of, ‘you promised’. So now I just don’t make any promises/plans and we’re all pleasantly surprised when things come together – and, strangely enough, they always do – although it drives my eldest daughter bananas as she’s always on the ball for every occasion. Maybe a middle ground would be better as I miss all sorts of deals that she finds out about. Might need to rethink my strategy a bit. 🙂


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