Give Over, Woman. That’s Mince. Or Not?

There is no knowing on the soul’s flight exactly where you’ll end up. Just because your soul seeks something, an answer, doesn’t mean that it will direct itself to the correct place. Mainly because other souls are doing the same thing. And they may miss each other, like ships passing in the night or one firework zipping into the sky while another is already in full bloom elsewhere.

The great thing is, though, with souls that a momentary lapse in judgement or direction can be corrected and redirected without waiting days and weeks or years. With its ability to hop through space and time, it manages to keep up with more news and happenings than its counterpart, the mind, can do in everyday life.

Like astral GPS of a higher standard, soul may move and flit from time to time in past, present and future. Glimpses of life lived and still to be lived on earth can etch themselves on spirit, embed into the core and be filed on return to the body.

When I say return I do not, of course, mean that the soul has left the body to lie dead in the world. Rather it has unravelled the umbilical cord that keeps it so attached to the human and exerted its right to travel but still to return.

In endless hours of sleeping while body rests and mind grasps the realities of day, creating wondrous images, soul vacates and explores, transmitting messages through the umbilical connection while mind incorporates such visions into dreams and weaves a tapestry of seen and yet to see, of been and still to be.

Soul exists apart from body, simply encased for the duration of one lifetime but always and ever present and alive to soul self.

One lifetime on physical, planetary plain could never really be enough to learn all we need to know, to understand in order to one day rejoin the communion of souls. By the essence of spirit and the journeys they are capable of, greater enlightenment may dawn in the everyday existence in more fuller measure than would otherwise be possible.

Those moments glimpsed by soul in time and space and recollected in odd waking human moments are what, I believe, deja vue to be. Already seen, yes, but not by human eyes in another lifetime. But by soul’s illuminated vision as it flits through dimensions unknown to us. Life glimpsed and lodged in subconscious until the moment arises and we may say, ‘I’ve been here before.’

I find this a great comfort in life to know that I have arrived at a time that my soul visited. Like I’m on the right path of my journey. Or one of the many right paths.

In parallel plains of time running concurrently it may be there are many lives being lived by self, each one born and directed of different choices taken in time. Past, present and future creating a gigantic loop, concentric circles connected by radii that make all lives possible.

The visual image above may be, in astral reality, an all-encompassing universe, the radii being worm holes that allow soul’s journey in and out through time and space. No need for soul to don travel gear. Simply extend the cord, ensure attachment and soar freely into other worlds of reality.

For many years now, at least 20, I have been haunted by the idea of this outline as an explanation for so much. My explanation. And, quite possibly, off the wall when it comes to ‘real life’. But it fascinates me as an idea and as a possible/probable reality in the spiritual field.

Light, photonic elements, become part of the all and a rejoining of light to light explains to me what heaven may be. Some sense of spiritual communion with the source of all light in a non-physical, analytical way. Merely a connectedness of all in spirit and light.

Is this a possible book? It’s an outline. Every time I try to work on it I get lost in the permutations and my mind goes in and out and sideways. I would read a book like this. I’m just not sure anyone else would. Unless they were allowed to remove their strait jacket to turn the pages. Lol. My husband has just informed me that he wouldn’t.’ Get to the point, woman,’ is really his way.

I’ve come at this from various angles over the years. Then stop. I just can’t seem to grasp the right approach to it. But I can’t let it go. Help!

My opening line remains the same every time.

‘Rachel travelled through the night, destination always unknown.’

For Now

For now, you’ll see a glimpse of life,

A fragment, just a little slice,

Enough to tempt and titillate.

Any more you wouldn’t cope,

You’d lose all trust and sense of hope.

For now, just watch and wait.


For now, my plans are quite concealed,

Later they will be revealed

When time is ripe for you.

Live it now and have no fear,

My eye is watching, hand is near

For now, your life is true.


For now, my angels guide your way,

Protect and shelter come what may,

All this, a mystic plan.

Revel in the gifts I’ve given,

Portents of a hint of heaven,

For now, no better one.


For come the day all answers lie

Before your mind and inner eye

You’ll know my cause was just.

The truth you’ll see and understand,

I hold all life in loving hand

For tread this track you must.


For now, let doubts be cast away,

Trust my love and, in time, sway

To heaven’s blessed chorus.

No greater plan you have to seek,

It unfolds before you, each day, each week

For now, bow to all glorious.


For now, this gift of life I give,

Receive it well and fully live

In spirit’s guiding orbit.

Be sure of love and light eternal,

The hub, the core, I am the kernel

Forever, your soul’s conduit.


For a better place will still appear,

I’ll comfort you and hold you dear,

At journey portion’s end.

Alchemy, base turns pure,

Be not afraid, instead be sure

For I am your truest friend.

Angel Wings

 An angel is soaring so far up ahead,

I’m flying behind her although I’m not dead.

She’s showing the path that I have to walk,

I want to delay her so that we can talk.

But glimpses are all that she offers to me

Of a life yet to happen, a life still to be.


My wings are no match for the wings of an angel

I try and I fly but she’s gone from my sight.

I’ll sleep with the angels tonight in my dreaming

And if I can reach her I’ll question what’s right.


If all of my journeys in land where I live 

Are fruitful and worthwhile so that I may give

The best of myself to the people I love,

Pleasing to all and to God up above.

Then maybe the path that I’m treading upon

Will be easier to walk when it all feels too long.


My wings are no match for the wings of an angel

 I fly stronger now and I keep her in sight

I’ll soar with the angels in dreams I remember

Flying in spirit far into the night.


My wings are still strong and they carry me far

Tho’  she has the power I lack to catch her,

But in her smiles and her gestures I see what I need

That I’m doing my best to live and take heed

Of all that I’m offered in life – such a gift!

She carries me in a thermal air lift,


So when my wings are no match for the wings of an angel

I know she’ll be by me and keep me in sight.

I’ll soar with my angel in life and in dreaming,

Flying through all, to do what is right.