Cairds Marked

Och aye, awa’ wi’ ye!

the likes a’ youse

that party oan oor backs,

think we cannae function,


excuse ye use

tae ride tae hell an’ back,

a union! ma erse it is,

a semblance,

folk aw ower

fucked afore they start,

bastarts fae the bullions

an’ their minions,

a shower a’ wankers

weaned tae it.

Cairds marked.


Play The Game

Curtsey and debase yourself to master,

Dance and pirouette in shoes too tight,

Play the game and stalk while seeking answers,

Malengine, plum’d spoken has no right.


Swear allegiance to the real world that is owing,

Aftermath of balls, no favours granted, fight good fight.

Minus pumps, at court, they trip self-interest,

Return’d shape-shifters, pumpkins in the night.


Another bash at a Wordle as suggested by


I wrote this on the same day but, due to my self-imposed exile during Nanowrimo,  I didn’t post it then. But I’m nearly finished now so I can. 🙂