People Do

I soothe your fevered brow if it is wanting,

You read me books to while away the hours,

He feeds you broth and silences the phone calls,

She tempers any tantrums, treats the sores.

We nourish where the need is for the easing,

You speak for me and lighten half the load,

They furnish love by all their actions,

Proving that village has a road.

I pick you up when fortune leaves your bedside,

You listen and you do the same for me,

He cries and smiles, relieves all your misgivings,

She tells you jokes to ease and help you see.

We be there when no other one is looking,

You care with such compassion for my plight,

They stand along beside us, fuel our courage,

Have your back at all we have to fight.

We do this, all as one and all together,

We do this, for that’s what people must,

We do this for our families, this our village,

We do this and prove that love is just.

We do this for each other despite choices,

And pity anyone who doesn’t have a clue,

Of the things that love, in all its hale and ailments,

People do for people, ’cause they do.



The Ripple Club

There is a world fast awakening to political intrigue,

To the boys in the backroom, the power clubs of greed.

There’s a world beyond Scotland who know and who care

That what’s done in their name is right, just and fair.

There’s a world that I’ve read of in the pages of here,

Shared by citizens of lands and nations held dear.

I’ve read of Canadian, a mayor of shame,

Of senate and congress, American in name.

I’ve read from the pages of patriots wide,

From countries all over, heads hung where once pride.

I’ve read and imbibed all with wonder and awe

That so many are seeing what lies in the raw.

I’ve speculated reasons for going it alone,

The fears and the hopes in this land of my own.

I’ve reflected on words long held dear in my heart,

‘I was not born for one corner of this globe ,

The whole world is my native land’

And realised we, the people, need a fresh start

From those who decree how our story is told,

Inked, printed, pressed, as all stories of old,

Repeated interminably, rehashed as the new,

Emperor’s apparel hailed as if true,

Till child, though small and dismissed as naïve,

Shouts, ‘Naked! Look! Visible! See and believe!’

Far bigger this picture, from nation to world,

I see a new flag, unveiled and unfurled.

Carried by people, the grassroots with aim,

Acting with courage, no longer the lame,

Beginning at home, as all we must try,

Passed one to another, a relay or die

At what passes for policy, legislation corrupt,

It’s the voice of the masses, disgusted, fed up.

Membership of these ‘riot clubs‘, however manifest,

Cannot serve the populace, how could they know what’s best

If blinded by self-interest and lost to cause and reason?

When held to account by Everyman, let no one say, ‘it’s treason’.

It’s the ripples in the waters from the stone that’s cast therein

That make the biggest differences in a world of sink or swim.

I want to be a ripple with the pebble I’ll soon cast,

A vote that makes a difference for a future built to last,

A willingness to face what’s wrong, to look with hope not gloom,

To be the change in stagnant ponds that will let our desert bloom.

Poetry In Motion And Music

I came across this video as part of a comment here

A response to a very touching story.

And it is just too beautiful not to share. It has everything I love; desert, mountains, waterfalls, ocean, horses, height, depth, big cats, eagle, great voice, wonderful colours. Pretty much everything. Encapsulated in one video. And some fab dresses.

I tried to link it to the original commenter without success. His site is in Romanian and, although Windows translates, it was all taking so long that I gave up trying to find the original link. But, in between, I came across all sorts of other wonderful stuff. This guy has some great videos on here. Music to accompany visuals. The Blue Danube one was just gorgeous. A poet, music lover, football fan.       

I would like to invite both these gents, if they should wish, to select any and all awards from my awards page (I haven’t even updated it. My bad. Time, you know.) Anyway, no conditions attached. I just think they deserve them. So, feel free to claim whatever you wish. Two remarkable people.

It’s still amazing to me that people who have ‘liked’ my posts come from all over the world and I check them out and discover gems. That is amazing, isn’t it. Nothing lost in translation – well, not much- with translator. People are people are people the world over. Just goes to show, eh?