A Real State

Every time I closed my eyes I saw people, 

Strangers in my midst with tools in hand,

And every time I saw them I dismissed them,

They shrugged and left but returned when I turned round.

My husband couldn’t see them though I told him,

My children couldn’t see, they raised their brows,

I felt crazy with myself and with the whole crowd,

Who were these men and why were they here now.

I entered rooms and there they were dismantling

Everything they found and deemed demised,

I argued, shouted, waved my hands before them,

They shrugged again and, though gone, were still inside.

I hurried to the rooms that they were haunting,

Not spectres, no, but quite determined still

That all my protestations, all my anguish,

Could be ignored while on they went about their will.

My eyes were opened in their closed state, I knew this,

A dreamer’s state but wakened yet withal,

I’d wake for real, return and there they were still present,

A nightmare to a sleeper when sleep calls.

I had to write this down upon my waking,

Or did I write it while still in my dream

Or was the dream and all the fears and terrors

An illustration of my mind and world for real.


A Schoolboy’s Sins

Obsidian eyes

strip colour from his whipped soul,

volcanic centre




to tensioned skin and beyond.

His haloed aura

shooting sulphorous, searing flares,

purpled haze of rage, a scarlet maze,

nothing muted in violent

whippet thin lips

twsting, ‘fuck you’s’, to all,

his sundry, motley enemy

of stunned football laughter and giggling girls.

Absent abundant charm,




gone with his glorious smile.

All this,

in the shortest of longest moments

before the tears,

blind, burning anguish

of a silent voice,

forbidden to reveal

the cost no child will willingly pay.

So silent.

Then violent.

Souls warping nicely for future


Blessed, burnt souls –

the child sacrificed –

on the altar of adult

duplicity, supidity


quite possibly,

the same reasonable rage.

All our sins.


Two hours to muse

And trash, peruse.

Mags that dish the dirt.

Callous words and pictures,

Designed to cut and hurt.


Celebrities, I know not names,

Their efforts grant

Esteem and fame

And public humiliation.


Her hair’s a mess,

Look at her dress,

What a fright she looks!

Women mostly, though

Some men, warrant

Inclusion in these books.


I never see these mags at all

Except when hair needs gutting

Colour, style and, all the while,

Not just my hair gets cutting.


I know that some seek publicity,

Any type at all,

So, fair game seems to be the name

Of reporters; a free-for-all.


Rebuke and trash,

Cameras flash,

Perhaps they’re photoshopped.

I’m just so glad

That I’m not one whose name

Is lifted and then dropped.


An awful life,

Though some may think

Fame is worth the fortune,

But picked and prodded,

Talked about

Would be my cup of poison.


Mr Wilde was wrong.


Video reading Trashed



popped into my head

on waking

I wondered

what it meant

and why it

just appeared

I thought

about it



Neo means new


I had to think

It is like other

words with

plasty attached

I thought





I wondered



become new

change to become new

cut with surgical

incision to renew

or just be fake


I’m going to

look it up.


tissue grafting

to renew

to repair





that happens.