In Awe

In Awe. Alternative award post. Video rather than written. Well, I’m shattered! And relaxing. And talking is so much easier than writing. Well, it is. 🙂 x


Ali And I don’t even know how I managed to leave Ali out of my video. I’m not doing the video again. Are you joking me? It’s tomorrow already. But, Ali, one of the truth speakers on difficult subjects, you’re there with the others mentioned. Blame Friday. And tiredness. 😉

Rene You rock! Hang on in there. When the deal is done you can raise the victory. One direction or other.

Shirley Soul sister fearlessly living and telling it how it is.

Trey Not his funny posts but an insight into a difficult subject. The funnies are well worth a read though!

Morgan Just so romantic! And words worthy of love.

John Afraid. And unafraid. Touching subjects some just dare to.

Desiree The eyes of the world. And a soul.

Poetic Passions Not one of his risque ones! But I love this. My absolute favourite.

Maryrose One of the ones that Maryrose does so well.  Listens to whispers on the wind then passes on truth that free thoughts.

Mike Learning what matters. And proving it in words. And in living.

Kerry Thanks, Kerry. Isn’t it awful always to need a nudge to get going? 😉





30 thoughts on “In Awe”

  1. I am so honoured and in awe of YOU, my dearest Soul Sister. I love your video so much! To be able to see you and hear you – amazing! We should definitely arrange for a Skype chat-date. I have been unwell, but will catch up and email soon. You are amazing in every way, my darling Scottish sister and your words inspire me all the time. THANK YOU and the divine Universe for allowing us to “meet”. Hugs and love 🙂


    1. Thank you, Shirley for such lovely words.
      You’ve maybe done too much too soon after being laid low the other week. Rest up and we’ll catch up when you’re feeling better. Take care. Hugs and love, S.S. x


  2. Wow! I must have missed something – something great by the sound of things. I shall have a look back…xxx


    1. Lol. I managed it once before from Facebook but can’t remember how I did it. And it must be a different process than for embedding from You Tube ‘cos I know how to do that one now. I’ll have to get one of my weans to help me again. 🙂
      You have to click the coloured writing at the top of the page to be taken to the Facebook video.
      Definitely still on a learning curve here.;) x


  3. Dear lady — you are such a DOLL. And absolutely love the voice and accent. You and I would have a blast having tea or whiskey — we might need the whiskey to help us understand each other’s accents better!!!!! Thank you for including me in such an amazing list of writers. I’m not sure my “dark” soul belongs, but I am honored. 🙂


    1. You most definitely belong! I can’t go where you go but it doesn’t stop me from admiring that you can and do.
      I deliberately didn’t drink much of anything making the video or I would have been totally incomprehensible! But a wee whiskey to chat over sounds good. I’ll cheers you tonight. Mind and take something from my awards page. well deserved. Whatever you think. Your readers know better. 🙂 x


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