26 thoughts on “Resolutions, My Arse – The Glesca Version”

  1. Mommus…is that a coming out video…an ode to the world. Very strong accent but so suits who you are. And the eyes, the depth is amazing, and you’ve been hiding them from us. Sorry, that is the first time I’ve seen you AND heard you. You really are a Glascow poetic mommus…oh, and bugger off anyone who doesn’t accept you for who you are 🙂 Well said I say, well said. Now if I could be just as strong and say I have no resolutions…but I would be a liar…because of Christmas and my penchant to enjoy the food with the company, I now have a few extra pounds that don’t belong to me, and actually I think it has nothing to do with anything but the timing of it at the New Year….but, besides that, I am very happy in who I am so I have no need for wishing for a date with Sandra Bullock…but if she would like to bestow that wish upon me…so be it, who am I to knock back her resolution for the year 🙂


    1. Are you joking me, man? I’ve done about 30 video readings, much to my kiddies’ embarrassment. I’m crap at making the links but they should be, I hope, on my video readings page! Bit of an actress me, on the fly! 😉
      Seriously, if you are making resolutions I wish you well. I don’t go there. But, I’ve got Lent to look forward to. 😦 Drat. And the lovely season of Spring that makes me want to do better! I’ve actually lost weight recently much to my own bemusement. Think I might be hitting a strange stage in my life! Coming up on 53! Shiiiiiiitttttt!


      1. I have seen the links but for some reason never went there…??? How odd…maybe it wasn’t meant to happen until now…I would say something…you would change because of the exchange…and then you would become famous!!! Just remember to send me an invitation to your tropical island hideaway when you do reach that multi-millionaire status! 🙂
        No resolutions, just got overblown with the Christmas food, time to do more walkies on the beach. Lent…isn’t that where you give up something for a month? Could you imagine no blogging….now there’s a test if I ever saw one. lol. A very painful one at that I be thinking.
        53…I think not…go look in the mirror, into those eyes of yours…those eyes are the eyes of spirit…ageless, or to be exact, only as old as you think and feel you are. I see the life of adventure sparkling in there. Spirit is so close to the surface it is amazing. Probably why you are a teacher, to pass that excitement on to the children. If not that, you would be the village Shaman/healer!
        Just embrace your love for life and the rest will look after itself 🙂 Namaste


      2. Aw, you are so sweet, Mark. Feel all fuzzy now! 🙂 I actually have a mental age of about 17 so I’m riding with that! Lol. The rest has taken its toll as we all have. But I’m good with it. Up to a point. Bastard age!
        Seriously, thank you for your lovely words. I was mortified when I started the videos but was determined to embrace all possible avenues of communication. My eldest son thinks I’m a nut job! But who gives a shit what he thinks? He’s very hard to please.
        Lent is where you try to do or not do something that should help your spiritual growth. And it’s not too far away. Maybe that’s why I don’t do New Year resolutions. Too much too soon. 😉 x


      3. lol. Way too much too soon! And since it is such a spiritual pursuit, maybe you could put up a wish board post on your blog. The things that you would like to do within that you feel is your truest desire from within. Can actually be quite confronting but releases you at the same time because you have ‘put it out there’ so to speak and you release yourself from within by doing it. Just a thought.
        My kids think I’m a nut job also, but that is only because of my great wisdom (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it), and they will understand one day. But they love me. It’s our/their expectations that cause the problems, but that is a learning curve for us all.
        That is my greatest fear (yes, I have a couple that still need attention 🙂 ), to speak in public or a group. I go to water. Spirit has already begun my path for that. So on that note I suppose it is about time I have a coming out video of my own, on my blog, to scare the blogging world to it’s knee’s so that they pray that I never do it again 🙂 (self worth issues there and not much confidence to go with it). Strange that in a one on one or two (couple) healing I’m there totally, but up the numbers and it becomes an issue. I know where it comes from (childhood drama), just have to step through it 🙂


      4. And, do you know, Mark, it mostly is just numbers. That and who we think we’re speaking to. I’m more reticent about the idea that people I know see my videos than I am about strangers. I have shared more of myself on here than I do with many people. Not my closest confidantes…they pretty much know everything. But it is liberating to not give a shit and go for it. I might think about the wish board. But I’d have to be so sure that I was certain. And I’m always wary of certainties because maybe there’s a reason shit happens. I kind of go with the flow and judge by instinct and desire. It usually holds good for me but I kinda have to wait till it happens. Then feel it. Instinctively. I’ll see.
        But if you’re looking to overcome confidence issues, give the videos a blast. It definitely gets easier. I quite enjoy some of them now. Helps if you’re half-pissed right enough. No. I know you don’t do that. 😉 x


      5. lol. May have to get sozzled for the first one at least 🙂 Then as the confidence grows I can reduce the intake. Then you won’t be able to shut me up 🙂
        Have a great New Year celebration anyway, enjoy the smooching under the mistletoe (or whatever you want to get under anyway 🙂 ).
        I’m off for a couple of days so it will be quiet here for a bit, the silence will be deafening. Mmm, maybe the calm before the storm so to speak 🙂
        Have fun. Namaste


      6. Enjoy your time away. I’ll look forward to the big unveiling. 🙂 Who needs mistletoe? kissing’s fun just ‘cos it it. If I need a plant to get a snog I am in trouble. 😉 Namaste, Mark. x


    1. I’ve had a few glasses of Cava by now. Who are you? What are you talking about? And why do I have twenty fingers?! Pmsl at myself! Seriously, I don’t give a shit. Did I actually say that I didn’t drink too much?! Well, I don’t. Usually. Often. But I’m a cheap date. A few glasses and I’m counting in multiples of glazed eyes. But it feels quite nice. And the bonus is I won’t have a hangover! It doesn’t take that much to have me slavering. You might have guessed by now! Note: All spelling is correct. I think.:) x


      1. Lolling is an excellent resolution. Revolution is what we should aim to do, that is spinning down a green hill like the Dread Pirate Roberts in the Princess Bride. If only I were younger, I might start the new year by rolling down a hill. If we get some snow, I resolve to go down the hill on a sled. 🙂


      2. We used to do that every Easter! Roll the eggs down then roll down after them. I think I’d be sick now if I did that. Like going on the waltzers at the fair. Once upon a time, aye, but now the thought makes me dizzy. Has all your snow gone then? You had loads of it. Or are you waiting for a fresh fall to start the rolling? 🙂 x


      3. Waiting for a fresh fall and then a little sledding will be fun. This morning we were gifted with sheets of invisible ice everywhere. Even the middle of the roads were coated. Rain on a dark winter night never ends well. Already had reports of terrible accidents. Luckily, we are all fine.


      4. Sounds pretty bad. We’re just having the usual here. Rain and more rain. The kids have been denied their snow so far this year but there’s time yet. I hope the ice clears up. Glad you’re all fine. x


  2. I think resolutions are like promises and eggshells, made to be broken. Who needs the stress of trying to change something about yourself with a promise brought on by a night of revelry. Great piece by the way. 🙂


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