Soul Rebirth

Flights of fancy flood imagination.

Other beings, other worlds creation.

Anticipation of these other parts

In minds and inter-galactic charts

Where maps reveal a stellar, cosmic plan,

An interlinking with the thoughts of man.

Spirits drifting in these other plains,

Watchfulness and interaction gains

Experience for all we see on earth.

A time for thinking new. A soul rebirth.

We Come

We don’t come to bring you down.

You do that to yourselves.

Travellers here from far-off lands,

Others follow,

There are plans


You’ll never know.

We won’t tell all

Till passing time reveals.

The nature of our purpose here

Travel, space conceals.


Treasures hidden in the stars


Vacuum, space.

No, we don’t come to bring you down.

You do that as a race.


We don’t settle once we come.

Ephemeral passing,

Little here to seek.

We, as voyeurs, write the heavens.

Chaos and cosmos speak.


We don’t bring censure,


That’s not for us to try.

Mere observations for firmament’s

Unfolding, endless sky.