Sensory Opiate

Petals perfumed for the purpose,

Sweetly scented just for us,

Scattered from above to rest abed.

Fragile flower fragments,

Tinted pink and white pigments,

Pillowing softly our two heads.


Subtly stirring in the air,

Bouquet of roses in our hair,

Drowsy opiate of love’s addiction.

We turn and gather close,

Bodies melding head to toes.

Soporific lovers’ benediction.

Bountiful Benevolence

I can feel excitement surging,

Rising in my breast,

A sense of something imminent,

Not giving any rest.

The reason is elusive,

It lies just out of sight

But I know it’s on its way today

Or maybe in the night.

My heart is fit to bursting

And it’s tapping out a rhyme,

It’s spreading to my innards

And the feeling is so fine.

I hope it stays for quite a while,

I don’t want it to go,

It’s way too pleasant in extreme.

If you felt it, this you’d know.

It’s like love’s young dream has come along

And filled my flesh with fever.

Some may scoff at feeling so

But I am a believer

In wondrous possibilities

And anticipation wild,

A message from the universe

To me, her little child.

And so we all could listen too

To creation’s whispered words

And feel the spark of something grand,

Not weird nor too absurd.

Just bountiful benevolence

That fills and swells the soul.

I love it when I feel like this.

It makes me feel so whole.