Reblog: A Last Embrace

Love expressed…pure and simple….unsullied by perceptions.

Experimental Fiction

I’m still feeling bereft of inspiration, so I thought I’d reblog an earlier post. I know, I know, it’s a cheats way out, but what am I going to do? I’m quite shallow and lazy really. Anyway – hope you like this one.

They lay repose by candlelight,
beauty seen in naked form;
their shining eyes with sweet regard
gazed lovingly and warm.

This final night of happiness,
to share a last embrace;
one more chance in solitude
to make their hearts to race.

Each shadow caused by gutt’ring flame
slid gracefully on skin;
the thickness of a lovers breath,
and dark as promised sin.

As lip to lip they lay entwined,
skin moist from summers heat;
this image of twin Aphrodite
painted on silk sheets.

Their final act of love expressed
untainted, pure and chaste;
could naught be sweeter than two lovers
who share a last embrace.

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