Love – A Definition

Love conquers


Two become one.

Love conquers

Fear and heartache

For some.

Love conquers

Battles that rage

In each heart.

Love conquers

Hurts, betrayed

Far apart.


Love is

A mystery

Uncovered, united.

Love is

Supportive to

Spirits divided.

Love is

A wonder

To gaze on in awe.

Love is

The reason

We looked and we saw.


Love begins

When two hearts


Love begins

When two souls


Love begins

To show

A new way.

Love begins

Each dawn

Of new day.


Love suffers

Heartache when

Death plays its hand.

Love suffers

Fools, too proud

Or too grand.

Love suffers

For others and

Wishes them best.

Love suffers

Keenly at

Passing regrets.


Love is

The answer,

All questions it seeks.

Love is


Each day and all weeks.

Love is

A gift

Bestowed from the source.

Love is

All beauty,

Revealed, of course.

This Or That, Says Fate

Fate rapped upon my door last night

And offered me a deal,

Choose this or that, it’s up to you.

One will hurt but you will feel.


The other, you will get to live

Humming a sweet tune,

But ecstasy and agony

Will bay unto the moon.’


He did not say which this or that

Would reveal each gift I crave.

He looked at me, I pondered,

Then answer this, I gave.


‘To choose to feel would be the deal

I would most desire,

To know agony and ecstasy

In a burning love of fire,


But serenity, all lost to me

I could not so endure.

To choose this or that for certain,

I really am not sure.’


I made to close the open door

When chanced my eye upon his face,

His the look of tormenting tempter

To lure me from all grace.


I pushed,

To slam the door to end

All conversation

With dubious friend


But halted as he spoke,


‘Your subtle meanings here and there,

Your secret, hidden glances,

Reveal to me in image clear

You would love to take such chances’.


I began to say he had me wrong,

When sweet agony pierced the balmy air,

A nightingale commenced his song,

Passed through my heart then rested there.


He knew my weakness, knew it well,

That future days would look and laugh

At all the things I never did

And wish I’d done by half.


I wedged my toe between wall and door

To leave it quite ajar,

Fate took one look, smiled wryly, said,

‘You’ll never go too far.


Too sensible for major risk,

Responsible as well’.

Smug he looked, I slammed the door,

Told him to go to hell.


So what if this or that appears,

Tempts and haunts in coming years?

For Fate forgot I have a voice

And this, in life, gives me some choice.


This or that may come my way

And offer black or white,

But life has shown that few things here

Are simply wrong or right.


This or that exist upon

Extending visual spectrum

Where many shades fall in between,

Consider well then choose some


Variety in spice of life,

Not this or that be bound by,

Muted some, while others flare,

Colours all surround me.


If Fate should choose to call again

Come tapping at my door,

I’ll use the peep-hole just to check

Then him, I will ignore.


I’ll take my chances with my life,

I’ll make choices and embrace all

With wider field of vision now,

Than before he came to call.