Love’s Throne

Trapped in arms too strong

Wrapped in love’s embrace

Tangled limbs entwined

Passion in each face


Dance to beating hearts

Thrum to music’s beat

Quiver to the rhythm

Please, oh please, entreat


Answers in each body

Found in all the questions

Mind’s magic conjures words

No others dare to mention        


Defined in soul’s desire

Pleas for needs to quench

Unimagined blissfulness,

Two so; none can wrench


Two lovers when they find

A soul to call their own

Combined, as one, in unity.

Love reposes on such throne.

Unransomed Love

Measured love holds naught for me

If counting has a cost.

Love should enfold to make you free,

No liberty is lost.


Who conspires to calculate?

Love exists for its own sake.

Believe it now, ‘ere too late.

Shake off illusions. Come, awake!


Nor tokens, mindful, though they are,

Impress the truest heart.

Eyes look up to purest star

And so, sweet love, to me impart

All that is your heart’s desire,

Unransomed love, consumed by fire.

Video reading   Unransomed Love

Bratsch Armenian waltz


Traces of the Soul

bratsch armenian waltz

Pour te voir je compte les jours
Pour t’aimer j’attends ce jour
Je me noie dans tes yeux
Profonds et brillants comme la rosée
Sur les fleurs à l’aurore du matin
Toutes les nuits je rêve de toi
Toutes les nuits je t’appelle, toi
Le jour, la nuit j’ai le manque de toi.

Tu est le soleil de ma vie
Et la lumière de ma nuit
Le tourment de ma vie
Et le rêve de mes nuits.

Mon esprit se fond
Dans ton regard
Ton sourire éclatant
Est le soleil de mon cœur
Je vois dans tes yeux
Profonds, brillants comme la rosée
Sur les fleurs à l’aurore du matin
Ton âme douce, belle, aimante.

A friend…well, not really friend…my last on-line dating site buddy…the one I shared on  “dating” this past summer.  We had several poetry exchanges…mine original, his from various sites I discovered …but this…

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