Our Song

It’s possibly true there are no answers, just questions that abound.

At least that’s how it seems, sometimes. I’ve questioned then I’ve found

That nothing makes a lot of sense and even when it does

Shit happens for no reason. I wonder then because,

If I can’t make the heads or tails of all that’s going on,

What chance is there I get to sing my own special song?

We all have one, I have no doubt, a song made just for one,

Born with us and grown with us; desperate to be sung.

A harmony, that only we, can hear within our soul,

Hummed in time to all we do, trying to make us whole.

Listen well. I’ll listen too and maybe we will hear

The lyrics and the melody, pitched to make us cheer

At all the ways we can express what lies way deep inside.

Then maybe, we may fine-tune life and sing our song with pride.


Video reading Our Song

34 thoughts on “Our Song”

  1. deep!
    yet, Everything is interconnected
    Everything that is, is because other things are.
    peace and understanding manifests
    with each mindful breath 🙂


  2. Wonderful deep and heartfelt words… and through all our human travels and trials we deeply trust our beloved self… knowing that one day our song will be sung from the depths of our being and heard from the highest mountains everywhere… In this I trust implicitly… Barbara


      1. you’re welcome…
        its one of those I felt as well as read
        the best kind you always share!


      1. And now that tune is stuck in my head, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum. It’ s gonna stay right there, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum. That was unfair, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum, ru-pa-pa-pum……………
        It better be gone in the morn, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum. I’ll get you back for this, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum. Just you wait and see, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum, ru-pa-pa-pum…….
        Oh, bloody hell, this is an awful tune, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum. If this is what’s in you, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum, You must be going lulu, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum, ru-pa-pa-pum…….
        My brain is fit to burst, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum, this is the worst, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum. I’m gonna be so pissed, pa-ru-pa-pa-pum, ru-pa-pa-pum………
        Why, Jenny, why? 🙂 x


      2. No worries, Jen. I have another panto today with 250 kids. I’m sure there will be some other song to replace the wee drummer dude. If it’s that bloody fox right enough, I’m going straight back to the drummer boy. 🙂 x


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