As One

Strength will lend a voice

Amid noise and confusion.

In weakness, valour may dare.


In weakness, valour may dare

Scale mountains, fly freely

While fear still crushes bones.


While fear still crushes bones

And innards liquefy,

Fight or flee is chosen.


Fight or flee is chosen

Instinctively, unconsciously.

Protection and survival the aim.


Protection and survival the aim

Of life – to adapt, change,

Signify and glorify the spirit within.


Signify and glorify the spirit within,

Rejoicing in source and unity,

Recognising, in awe, invisible threads that bind.


Recognising, in awe, invisible threads that bind,

Drawing one to another, connecting the edges,

Expanding, creating anew the whole.


Expanding, creating anew the whole,

Intricately woven and bound,

Harmonised, synchronised, complete.

22 thoughts on “As One”

      1. Well, that’s emptied my head of all sorts of weird shit! I might actually be grateful this time. Pa-ru-pa-pa-pummmmm! 🙂

        Want to go back to sleep now though! And it’s time to get up! Dum-de-de-ho-hummmm 😉 x


      2. It’s now 6.30a.m. but I’ve been awake since 3.30! I don’t know what the heck is going on with my sleep but it’s now something of a habit. Wake up, sometimes get back over, sometimes give up and have coffee. Guess which one it was this morning? 😉 x


  1. I love this poem. I love the flow, those last lines get great emphasis and expanded meaning when repeated. My yoga class last week ended with a reading that letting go of fear and taking risks liberates us. Since then, I have thought and dreamt my own fears and the posts I read are mentioning the topic. I feel some self-exploration going on which can only lead to good things. Beautiful poem per usual 🙂 when do i get to know your name, by the way, my friend? 😉


      1. Funnily enough, the homily at Mass last night was all about ‘what’s in a name’. Emmanuel, Joshua, Jesus, Hebrew, Greek and our definition of the names. Short and sweet it was. 😉 So, yes, I guess our names matter. *How do you do* *shaking hands* *big hugs* 🙂 x


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