19 thoughts on “Errant Blood”

  1. I love this. As well as the other recent posts similar in style. This one especially though. The one or two words per line give these a pulse and rhythm that comes to life. Well done.


      1. I don’t have any choice. My weans are obsessed with getting ready for it. All bloody faces painted in gore. My 12 year old appeared in my room last night with her face covered in red lipstick. Covered. She looked like a huge pimple! My sixteen year old has decided to be ‘Miranda’ from ‘Miranda says’. Don’t know if you’ve seen her but she’s weirdly funny. My six year old wants to be good girl/bad girl. Her idea. One side of her face all pretty and girlish and the other a mass of scars and horror. Sick! :)x


      2. But all of them with wicked strong imaginations. Nurture that always. Hang in there, the craziness that is Halloween will be over soon.


    1. Wish it was over, actually! My crew are hyper and it’s not even here yet. They’ve tried on more bits and pieces and covered themselves in all sorts of gross make-up getting prepped for it. All still without a decision being made. ;)x


  2. Got to the 4th line and was reminded of a classmate fainting in a biology lesson about the amount of blood pumped in an average lifetime by the human heart. Think this would have had a similar effect! 🙂


    1. Poor bugger. I don’t like blood much myself. It’s ok as long as it’s inside doing its thang. It’s the ooey, gooey, leaky stuff I don’t like. No wonder your mate fainted. :)x


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